Our services originated out of the needs from our family and friends. My parents took a 3 month road trip and we wanted to keep up to date with their adventures. At the time, there were no blogs, twitters or facebook so we filled the need ourselves. My mom typed emails, saved them in her pocket email device, and when she found a pay phone (remember those?) she held the device to the phone receiver and it sent an email which we received, processed, and posted to a website for her. Low tech at its best back when there were pay phones. Even now, with all the social media sites available, none of them completely fill our needs. We want simplicity and comfort knowing our information is kept private. We do not operate on an advertising-based business model. We do not market our clients' personal information. We do not sell your photos, stories, or email addresses. Have you ever wondered where those photos come from that are in a picture frame when you buy it? Not from us! We offer public, semi-private and private websites for non-profit groups and humanitarian mission trips.