Our Little Roses, 2016updated: 2016-03-07
March 2016 Mission Trip Home Page
Welcome to our 2016 Mission Trip homepage! We are thankful for our volunteers, our prayer partners and the people who donate items and money to make this trip possible. We have selected dates for the trip - it will be March 10- March 15, 2016. This coincides closely with the dates for Palm Beach County spring break and these are the dates OLRFM has made available for our visit. We will deliver donated items, work on a light construction project in the home, we will take a field trip with the girls and we will welcome everything else GOD leads us to do. Most importantly, we will work with all the girls in the home and give them confidence, hope, and reassurance that they are beautiful, lovable people.

  • Potential projects on this trip may include:
  • New garbage bins with lids
  • Restore and paint the fence railing garden at the entry
  • Paint the entrance gates
  • Sand and stain dining room tables and chairs
  • Sand and stain furniture in San Marcos´s kitchen
  • Repair window screens in the girls the bedrooms
  • Repair windows in the living room and study hall.
  • 4 small tables and chairs for home halls
  • Repaint the sign on the front gate of the school
  • Build a roof for the drivers and guards outdoor eating area
  • Construct a bathroom for drivers and guards.
  • Replace mattresses and pillows for the girls.
  • Paint the playground cement floor
  • 4 cement table sets for the girls home courtyard

Please keep us in your prayers. If you would like to join our mission team, please contact the church office and ask for Mother Kimberly Stills.

You can support our mission by making a donation the Episcopal Church of Bethesda- by-the-Sea (www.bbts.org)or you can directly support Our little Roses by making a donation online on their website (www.ourlittleroses.org). 100% of all donations are used to cover costs caring for the girls in the home.

The Our Little Roses website has lots of information, photos and videos. Visit www.ourlittleroses.org

View the latest Rose Garden NEWSLETTER from Our Little Roses Family Ministry.

DONATIONS: We are in need of items to donate to the home. We take duffel bags and deliver donated items to the home each time we visit. If you could spare any of the following items, it would be greatly appreciated: gently used clothing for girls of all ages and sizes, new undergarments, school supplies, classroom teacher supplies, books in English or Spanish, board games, small used/new toys to be used as prizes from teachers in the classroom (thank you, but no stuffed animals). For more information, view the wish list on the OLR website to find out what items they are in need of.

Here are the forms being used for this trip. If you have not filled them out, please print these, complete them and turn them in to the church office as soon as possible.

    Mission Team Members
  1. Rick M.
  2. Cordella M.
  3. Carrie M.
  4. Marty K.
  5. Ross L.
  6. Idalmis L.
  7. Greg K.
  8. Mary M.
  9. Catherine M.
  10. Brittany S.
  11. Mike S.
  12. Kaylee D.
  13. Maribel V.

You can learn more about Our Little Roses by visiting their website at: www.ourlittleroses.org.

Need help translating anything to another language? Visit: FreeTranslation.com

"Lord make us instruments of your peace. Where there is hatred let us know love. Where there is injury, pardon. Where there is discord, union. Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair, hope. Where there is darkness, light. Where there is sadness, joy."

"La marca del señor nosotros son instrumento de su paz. Dónde hay el odio sepamos, el amor. Dónde hay la herida, el perdón. Dónde hay la discordia, la unión. Dónde hay la duda, la fe. Dónde hay la desesperación, la esperanza."

View Photos and Journals from Previous Trips

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